Neo World Academy W
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Neo World Academy W
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Neo World Academy W
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Student council meetings plan

Tue 7 Aug - 14:53 by Matthew Williams

Congratulation to our new Student council!
President: Alfred Franklin Jones
Vice-President: Gilbert Beilschmidt
Secretary: Matthew Williams
Treasurer: Mei-Mei Wang

First meeting plan; Getting to know each others, create a work plan together, schedule other meetings, start discussing ways to improve the school.
The Meeting will take place on Sunday, then you will be free to organize it yourself.

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Student council elections

Mon 30 Jul - 20:46 by Matthew Williams

EDIT: Congratulation to Alfred for becoming president!

Every student willing to run for the Student council elections will have to give a small speech on their motivation; They also will have a week to convince people to vote for them.
The winner of the elections will become president, while the second best will assist him as vice president.
You may run for the treasurer and secretary post separately.

((post your "speech" here and rp out your promotion! people who didn't post said IC speech will not be considered as running up for a post. You will be asked to vote IC for who you think your character would vote for on Sunday. Teachers can't vote.))

Comments: 5

School's rules

Tue 12 Jun - 14:12 by Admin

Following are our school's rules; we expect all students to follow them. Going against them will cause an immediate sanction. Severe offenses may result in expulsions.

1) Uniforms are mandatory on school's grounds. While we do allow students to alter them in some ways, we do ask of them they keep it close to the original. Skirts have to fall at least mid-thighs.

2)Violence is not allowed in any cases. Verbal violence, bullying, or fights will not be tolerated and will be faced with severe punishments.

3) Alcohol, weapons or drugs are not allowed on school grounds. This includes personal multi function knives or cigarettes.

4) Teachers will check the dorms after the curfew; past 10PM everyone is meant to be in their respective rooms, sleeping.

5) Male students aren't allowed in the girl's dorms, Female students aren't allowed in the boy's dorms.

6)Respect your teachers and environment. Mocking a teacher or littering will be punished.

7) Students are allowed to go in town, but not out of it. Please act like responsible people and stay out of trouble there.

8) Skipping classes is forbidden. You may miss classes if you get a note from the infirmary.

9) Students are not allowed in the teacher's lounge; they also have to ask permission before using any classroom out of class times.

((Those rules are the school's rule, IC; of course you're allowed to not follow them but know it will have consequences IC too. If a student really earns themselves an expulsion, since we don't want to kick rper out for that, we will find a way to come back or stay, don't worry!))

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N. Italy application

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N. Italy application Empty N. Italy application

Post by soyfelis Tue 19 Jul - 8:01

N. Italy application 293255

Name: Feliciano Vargas
Country representing: North Italy
Age: 16
Student or teacher? Student
Personality (mostly to see your characterization):
In short, Feliciano is an exceptionally bubbly character. Always with a smile, he is a prime picture of carefree happiness, even though that sometimes tends to get him in trouble- oftentimes absentmindedness. A lover of art and good food, he'll do just about anything for a plate of good pasta, and he often spends his free time painting or sketching (sometimes even in class when he's bored, to the dissatisfaction of his teachers). He isn't bad at art, either- it is one of those few things that he can keep concentration on for, at times, more than an hour or two, if he's dedicated enough to finishing the piece. He has an elder brother, whom he loves to spend time with, but he's quite the opposite of him, admittedly being a little scared of sometimes, but they're fratellos, so Feli can't help but love him anyway.

Feliciano is quite a sociable person, loving interaction with others. Most people don't seem to mind, either- the cheerful Italian seems to be regarded as everyone's baby brother. He's quick to cry or become scared, so he all-too-often relies on other people for protection, be it against a bully or a bug. Speaking of which, he tends to be scared of a surprisingly large amount of things, ranging from heights to bugs (especially spiders) to being hit to small places to getting lost... well, a lot of things.

On the contrary, he is capable of certain feats, such as running. He is surprisingly fast, although really it only shows up when he's running away from something. He appears physically weak, and although that may be true, he is willing to work if he is motivated enough- often if pretty, cute girls are involved, or pasta. Otherwise, you'll be lucky if you get him to do much, as he's rather lazy, fond of taking naps, and in general, anything that doesn't require physical activity- not that he's a couch potato, but he certainly doesn't like running around.

A hobby of Feliciano's would be, not surprisingly, music. When he was younger, he had always been entranced by musicians playing, particularly piano, even though he had all-too-often been too timid to sit in and listen for fear of the music-player becoming flustered or upset at him. Instead, he contented himself with collecting music pieces and even an old violin, which he tried learning but never seemed to have the patience for. In spite of that, he still has the old violin, keeping it as more of a showpiece than anything. Aside from that, he loves singing, and can often be found singing (but not limited to) Italian folk songs, songs he's overheard from other people, or even songs he makes up himself.

Being rather absent-minded, he often forgets various things: waking up on time, articles of clothing, books, putting lids on his paints, forgetting that a painting isn't dry yet, etcetera. While this can get annoying to some, Feliciano himself doesn't mind it, although if it's his pasta or paint he's misplaced, he is rather prone to getting upset over it.

Roleplay sample (minimum 200 words):
Feliciano giggled as he drew the brush across the canvas, splattering paint on the pristine white surface. It wasn't often that he tried something like abstract painting, but he had to admit, he was having fun. Painting landscapes and pretty houses and cute girls had its perks, but it was fun and rather refreshing to just clear one's mind and go completely off of imagination. It was quite different than normal painting- and in some ways, a little more difficult, since you didn't have anything but your own mind, the brush, and the expanse of white canvas to work with. Feliciano had decided he would try something new that day instead though, so in exchange of details he placed blobs of paint and shapes of looks-like-but-not-quite silhouettes, crisscrossed with a web of splattered paint of a beautiful sky-blue.
He laughed as he flicked the paint on the canvas, peppering the work with a few livid green speckles, then stood back to observe the work. Not done yet, he decided, cleaning his brush and soaking the tip in water. As he continued, his mind began to wander, though: school was starting soon, and he was going to be with his fratello again! The thought was exciting, coming to a new school, with new people. An adventure! he thought, poking the canvas experimentally with his finger. Although... what if he couldn't make friends? Oh, no bother, of course he could! His fratello was there, too, right? Ooh, I hope they have good pasta! As Feliciano's mind trailed to the topic of food, his hand went on autopilot, drawing across the canvas in a steady line. I hope they have pasta! What if they don't have pasta?! Oh no, should I bring my own? What if they don't let me bring my own? What if I'm not allowed to cook there?!
The feeling of something wet and thick interrupted his thoughts, and he looked down, to see that he had accidentally landed his hand on the palette sitting on the table. He blinked, staring at his paint-smeared hand before grinning, food worries forgotten, and placed his hand firmly in the center of the canvas.
"There!" he exclaimed, smiling ear-to-ear; the painting looked perfect to him.
(word count: 380)

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N. Italy application Empty Re: N. Italy application

Post by Matthew Williams Tue 19 Jul - 8:31

I think it was really close to the character as he appears in the Strips/anime, the sample was interesting, so I don't see why you wouldn't be accepted.
Welcome here, make an account and please check your private messages so you can get the address to the chat!
Matthew Williams
Matthew Williams

Posts : 374
Join date : 2011-02-04
Age : 31
Location : Canada

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N. Italy application Empty Re: N. Italy application

Post by soyfelis Tue 19 Jul - 8:47

Excellent! -goes to register an account-
hasn't sent the verification email yet though...

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N. Italy application Empty Re: N. Italy application

Post by Matthew Williams Tue 19 Jul - 8:52

The verification email is automatically sent by the forum itself so I can't do much but tell you to check your spam folder. I just send PM on the forum once the account is made to get people on our chat ;D -also moving this to the right part now-
Matthew Williams
Matthew Williams

Posts : 374
Join date : 2011-02-04
Age : 31
Location : Canada

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